There is a NEW yet EFFECTIVE style of trading in town…
…and it is making me and my students very rich.
After making over $5000 (3million naira) in less than 6 hours trading forex, a 37 yr old man says:
Watch him talk about it below:
This style of trading is new, easy to implement and has gone on to make for me and my students thousands of dollars in pure profit every single month.
While lots of traders are getting their fingers burnt in the market and ending up with losses, me and my students have successfully joined the top 1% of highly successful traders.
We have hacked the secret and now profits have become way easier.
I will tell you about this style of trading and how you can get it too but before that….
I want you to understand that I had it tough too when I started out trading. I made mistakes, lost money in the process, blew a lots of accounts, almost gave up until I found this highly profitable style of trading..
And No, this is not like anything you have seen before.
It is not the normal support and resistance method that you have learnt about.
It is not the price action or supply and demand or whatever you have bee sold by other gurus.
Heck it is not even the ICT or SMC that you have heard about or learnt…
……….and it works 90% of the time as you will see in the proofs later on.
What the triangle of analysis method does is simple….
This method saved me time and made me money.
This method shows you the right information you need (avoiding other jargons) and most importantly how to use it in analyzing the chart correctly.
I was finally able to place trades after 10 mins or less of analyzing and still made tons of money from it.
What Triangle of Analysis method has done for my students

And this method of trading that i teach works even for small accounts as you can see below:

So good that one of my students had to even start praying for me. lol

Alongside with this Triangle of Analysis, you will get our Full Forex Training and change your trading journey:
Watch the video below
After watching the video above, click the link below to join us
In Blessed Fx Academy we are focused on turning non traders and struggling traders into professionals who can analyze the financial markets and place profitable trades without having to spend hours on the screen.

Our goal is to make forex trading SIMPLE and PROFITABLE and all our trainings are tailored towards this goal.
We have over 12 years’ experience in the financial markets and we have seen it all. The bull run, the bear fear, the different loopholes in the market and how you can benefit from all types of markets.
You will see some of the results below. Trade results dating as far back as we can keep account of. We have been in the market long enough.
We have trained over 1,723 students to profitability and our renowned strategies has a 90%+ success rate.
This is your opporturnity to......BECOME A BEAST IN TRADING
Get a NEW and TESTED 90% Profitable Forex Strategy. (Triangle of Analysis)
Access to our Support Group Chat with other professional traders you can learn from and Lifetime Mentorship.
Simple Risk and Money Management strategy you can apply irrespective of your capital and style of trading
Pro Tips on how to hold trades for long and maximize your RRR and profits. You can get RRR of up to 1:9 in a single trade and even more.
How to set and crush forex goals. It could be to make more pips, to change your style of trading, to place less trades, to make more money etc.
This training is divided into 4 sections just so you get everything:
We started from the scratch so that even if you are new to forex, you will not be lost. From the meaning of forex to history, forex apps and trading sessions.
It includes: Forex basic 1, 2 and 3. Best trading sessions and instruments to focus on. Types of traders and best timeframes. Everything you need to know in the basics
Here we talk about forex analysis. How you can easily analyze the market fast and place profitable traders. From topics such as market structure, simple and advanced price action, even over 10 indicators will be explained. How to trade news like NFP and CPI.
We won't stop there. We will pull the curtain back and let you in on some secretrs of the banks and financial instutions. We wil show you they analyze their markets and make huge money from it. Trading strategy like Top-Down analysis makes this possible....( how to analyze in different timeframes and place trades in lower timeframe while following the huge movements).
We will also teach you the 3 step technical analysis we use and how to enter the market at the right time after proper confirmation. This helps make your stop loss tight and makes you not lose money.
Also, we will be teaching the Almighty Triangle of Analysis method I talked about earlier. This method saves you time and makes you money. You will be able to merge all three types of analysis using this new method and make shit load of money doing so.
We will also hand over to you in this section, a simple risk management strategy. The function of risk management is to reduce the risk you face in trading, reduce you loss and ensure you don't blow your capital.
If you have been blowing accounts before or encountering losses, this our style of risk management will fix that for you. Tells you the exact lot size to use as well to ensure you are on track with your trading goals.
In this section, you will also learn trading plan. A dummy with a plan will beat a genius without a plan. You will see how you can easily create and follow an effective trading plan. We will also show you how to hold trades for long and maximize your profits.
The first thing is the section are LIVE TRADES that we placed. You will see them as practical examples you can easily learn more from. You will also see my 10 steps to placing profitable trades....
ALso, I have been constantly updating this section with profitable setups that i traded. These are setups that have worked for me and i show you behind the scene why they work.
No theory bullshit here. We deal with strictly practical.......
Despite handing you 4 Sections of pure forex goodness and over 15 Modules that are more than enough to make you a professional forex trader,
We decided that in order to make your trading journey easy, you will need the bonuses below:
We will walk you through this learning process holding you by the hand until you can comfortably stand and trade on your own. Even at that, the mentorship is FOREVER. We believe that mentorship is important in your trading journey and we want to be part of your success stories.
Without mentorship, even if you get the best training in the world, you will be overwhelmed. You need someone to talk to and ask questions. Someone to review your trades and correct you. You are getting all these from us as well.
You get unlimited access to me and to this training. This means if you are busy, you can pay, get access and start the training anytime you wish to. Also, you can always revert back to the trainings long after you are done.
I will also hand over to your premium forex books and videos that you won’t find anywhere online. These are renowned books that even after our training, you can use them to make your trading even better.
And another one
This a method of trading employed by the banks to easily place a lot of trades in smaller chunks.
The banks are one of the major participant in trading today and knowing how to trade just like they do is an undue advantage......and that is what this teaches you.
It will pull the curtain and give you an insight into what the banks don't want you to know.
It will show you in simple steps how you can enter the market just when the trend is about to begin and maximize your profits.
So apart from the Triangle of Analysis method that is created by the academy, this method of training will also be handed down to you.
These bonuses are for fast action takers. If you don’t take action right away, probably by the next time you come on this page, I would have removed these extra bonuses from the training.
If you make payment right away, you will be added to our support group chat as well. Here you will get to meet other professional traders who will groom you to becoming good as well.
This is a goldmine as there are also trade calls from time to time. This is enough to get you started as a trader.
Trade call is when a trader says there is entry opportunity at EURUSD or any pair and tells you when to enter and all. This is better than signals because he explains why you should enter, when you should enter and when to exit. This will help you learn faster as a trader and make you profitable even before you are done learning.
If you join us right away, you will be given real funds to trade with at the end of you training. I will introduce you to brokers that will give you real funds from $50 to as high as $25,000 (you don’t have to pay a fee to get the funds), you trade with the funds and you get to withdraw your profits. You don’t have to pay back if you blow the account. This is legal and real.
This means you don’t have to even start trading with your own funds. You can make as high as $100, $200, $1000, $5000 and even more in your first month and be permitted to withdraw everything.
This EXTRA BONUS 1 & 2 are only available for those who join right away.
Now how much do you think this will cost?
How much do you think its worth this training plus the bonuses and extra bonuses?
I will tell you straight.
It is currently priced at $50 (50,000 naira).
But if you get in right away, you only get to pay $30 and that’s just 30,000 naira
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
Money back
If, when you get this training, you don't get everything as promised, send me a message via whatsapp or email indicating you didn't get what was promised above and I will give you a swift refund.
Below is some of our trades over the years. We have had consistent profits trading the financial markets.

I've had days when I made over 2m in less than 2 hours trading the financial markets....

All these were achieved using the style of trading I'm going to be showing you......But it is not only me that has done well with this
Our students have used this same method to get stunning results as you will see below:

I know what you are asking right now
“yes we have seen the trading results, but do you withdraw this money to your bank accounts?”
Don’t worry. I got you. Below is some of the withdrawals from me and my students......straight to our bank accounts:

Ensure you watch the above videos
Withdrawal so good that my students could get themselves and their loved ones stuff

I could go on to drop more and more.....but if you want to join us, then click below.
Still here? Don’t tell me you are waiting until you see a new fee of 50,000 naira.
Just so you know, According to the report of a globally recognized financial news media called Investopedia in 2023, over 85% of forex traders blow their capital to zero in less than 6 months of trading the financial markets.
The reasons these traders lose in the financial market includes; incomplete training, bad risk management, lack of mentorship, unprofitable strategy, no support group chat and lack of discipline.
Don't join the 85%. Become a part of the 15%.....
Join us in the top 1%
Our training curbs all these issues and changes your trading story as it did to more of my students below.
Listen to them tell you their stories
Mr. Buchi made over 1m few weeks after joining us and.......
You still want some more? Check the videos below then.
How about your testimonials become the next to come on this page? Join us today and make $$$ trading forex.
We have just two goals over here in Blessed Fx Academy and they are to make forex Simple and Profitable. Apart from the profitable strategies and trading system we teach, the support group and trade calls are there to make you profitable as well. You won't need another training after this.
This is a one-time payment. You pay N30,000 and you get lifetime access.
Although this depends on your speed, but you should be done in two weeks. Plus we advise you go through the training at least twice and practice as you learn.
As for making money, even before you are done learning, you will start trading and earning taking advantage of the trade calls in the group chat.
Minimum you can trade with is $10 and thats currently 7500 naira.....but we are going to be introducing you to brokers that give real funds you can trade with. This means you don't have to use your capital to start. If you have just the training fee only, you are good to go.
As you saw above, some of my students have used my training and this traingle of analysis to trade both comodities, synthetic, currencies and the likes. Heck you can even use it to analyze the crypto market.
Of course. That's what mentorship is about. I correct you, guide you and help you improve. Basically me holding you by the hands until you get better and more profitable.
Apart from the fact that this training is simple and easy to understand, it has made over 1,723 students of ours profitable. The students that are an exception probably didn’t go through the training or they didn’t come around for mentorship after learning.
You get access to the two extra bonuses if you pay right away. Plus you save N20,000.
We have a 100% money-back guarantee on this training. This means if you don't get all that has been promised, you can simply ask for a refund and you are good to go.
Click the blue link below to pay and join us
Below is a summary of what the BFA Full Training (Triangle of Analysis) contains:

Final call.....Join Us Today. Don't Miss Out!!!
Are you still dragging your feet?
You still haven't click the link above to get access?
Okay....I will tell you about a student of mine who got so good trading that he wanted to even pay more than the stipualted fee.
Infact, he started giving me gifts to appreciate me. His name is Precious and you can see his results below

Three withdrawals all within a week. You can see his testimonials in the support group chat

Made so much and even withdrew over 2.5m naira and started giving me gifts.

And there are so many other students like this....making millions from trading using my style of trading that is taught in this training. Just like Mr. Ismail Musa above and Mr. Ebuka that made the right turn and got a dofferent result compared to the other guy.
Click the link below to pay and get immediate access to this training that is changing lives: